On February 20, 2011 at 12:22:59 AM
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13281778/Prime%20Finder%20V2%20-%20Optimised.exeI believe that my prime finder is so awesome it deserves its own topic for ideas to speed it up even more...
btw, for a speed test, use function 1 not 0 because 0 writes to disk as soon as it finds each prime...and it shows you them on-screen :P
I will also accept new function ideas, im planning on making a prime tree finder(21 would be 3,7...81 would be 3,3,3,3...5 would be just 5 etc.)
Screwing up physics since 2008...
Invading the hearts and minds of the people since 2011...
Defending Reach, starting at 2052...
That's right, I know it's real, your game disguise can't fool me Bungie, I saw a grunt in my back garden and it waved at me o.O