Old RaviLand Forums

Random Map (0.8.1 out now)

On February 12, 2010 at 12:47 PM

The map editor for SLT... and other random stuff...

This program is not finished, but  it's actually possible to make a map in it now. :)

As i haven't actually said how to use it, I'm expecting lots of questions...



zip file(for not installing)


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


0.8: umm nothing, this was the first....

0.8.1: fixed rendering bug (after opening a map there would be no display on windows)

Random Map (0.8.1 out now)

On March 4, 2010 at 6:33 PM

wow! I go to make a map and it crashes when I finish choosing settings!

Random Map (0.8.1 out now)

On March 4, 2010 at 8:02 PM

Crashes right after pressing ok on the map settings box?

What numbers did you put in the boxes?

Random Map (0.8.1 out now)

On March 5, 2010 at 3:56 PM

well i've shown you in person so...yeah...

Random Map (0.8.1 out now)

On March 5, 2010 at 4:51 PM

just so no one does the same thing...

Width is the number of sectors across and Sector Width is the width of every sector.

the two maps i've made only have one sector... (because one of them was made before the map editor and the other was made whilst making it)